
From Hate to Hope: An immersive exhibit



Thu, May 2nd, 2024 to Sat, May 4th, 2024


11:00 am


This free audio-visual experience captures the voices, images and art from the inquiry process, the final Hate to Hope report, a series of public murals, and many community discussions about hate and hope involving young people, diverse communities and artists across the province.

This exhibit was developed by BCOHRC to share its mural project, raise awareness of the inquiry’s findings and recommendations and to facilitate a deep understanding of how people and communities in British Columbia are thinking about change.

In August 2021, B.C.’s Human Rights Commissioner, Kasari Govender, launched an inquiry into the rise of hate in B.C. during the COVID-19 pandemic. Throughout the inquiry, BC’s Office of the Human Rights Commissioner (BCOHRC) heard from many British Columbians about their experiences with hate in the province. But we also heard about their hope that, across the province, we can all realize our responsibility to treat each other with respect and dignity and to create a sense of belonging and acceptance. That hope is reflected in the inquiry’s final report, From Hate to Hope, released in March 2023.

Following the release of the report, BCOHRC worked with community partners, artists and youth to bring that message of hope to communities. Four community groups in B.C. designed locally relevant murals that share their hopes for their region. Each mural serves as a reminder of the importance of unity and understanding and the need for communities to come together to stand up against hate. This exhibit celebrates the hope in each of these communities.


Alternator Gallery

421 Cawston Ave #103, Kelowna, V1Y 6Z1



Ticketing and/or registration:

Click here for full event details

For more info:


BC's Office of the Human Rights Commissioner

About BC's Office of the Human Rights Commissioner