
Vibrant Vines Winery Presents, Yoga Outside Followed By Mimosa's & Brunch!



Sun, Sep 24th, 2023


10:00 am to 11:30 am


I'm so excited to announce that Buddha Beats Yoga will be at Vibrant Vines Winery in 2023!! Upon your arrival at the winery, we will head outside to the beautiful grass area, that has the most amazing view of the vineyard, lake and Kelowna then let the yoga begin.

I Aleena McKinnon with Buddha beats yoga will guide you through a wonderful yoga class with our toes in the grass and sun on our face.

This class is about relaxing and letting go. We will move very slowly a moving meditation with the breath. Watery, fluid, rhythmic, simple, sweet movements. After class, we will enjoy a mimosa that will be followed by a light brunch.

Please let me know of any allergies or dietary restriction's and we will be happy to accommodate you.

Yoga 10:00 to 11:00 am followed by a rose mimosa and a light brunch. If its pouring rain or to cold we will move inside no problem.

All levels welcome.

We recommend bringing your yoga mat. If you need a mat, they are available for a $3 rental fee.

Please dress for the weather, bring warm clothing and or a blanket so you can be comfortable, I want you to be as relaxed as possible.

For tickets please click the BOOK button above fill out the information then to complete your booking you just e transfer me the price. To- buddhabeatsyoga@hotmail.com
On the e transfer please include the full names of the people coming so I can get you on the list.

Upon your arrival to the event you just tell them your name at the door.


The Vibrant Vines

3240 Pooley Road, Kelowna



Ticketing and/or registration:

Click here for full event details

For more info:

Contact Aleena McKinnon
Email: buddhabeatsyoga@hotmail.com
Ph: 250-808-1764

Buddha Beats Yoga

About Buddha Beats Yoga